Chambers of Commerce abroad
Local Chambers of Commerce operate in every country in the world. They give a natural connection to the local economy and companies.

- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Eurochambers – our voice in Europe
- Chambers of Commerce abroad
- FinnCham – our global partners
- Other partners
- Cooperation with Russia
Finnish Chambers of Commerce cooperate with Chambers of Commerce in different countries in organising company visits and distributing market information.
Services offered by Chambers of Commerce vary from country to country. If you are interested in a particular country and market, ask us how the Chamber of Commerce could help. The Finland Chamber of Commerce has entered into a cooperation agreement (MOU) with several countries’ Chambers of Commerce for the reciprocal provision of business services.
The cooperating body of more than 12,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide is the World Chamber Federation (WCF), which operates in conjunction with the International Chamber of Commerce. Every two years, the World Chambers Congress it organises brings together over 1,000 global Chamber of Commerce and business leaders from almost 100 countries to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the global economy. The event is also open to Finnish member companies of Chambers of Commerce.