Goods inspection
The HTT goods inspectors are the best, impartial professionals in their field. They perform technical audits on goods and services. The inspectors are supervised and operate according to regulations.

- Climate Commitment
- Human Rights Commitment
- Medals of Merit
- Notification Channel
- Goods inspection
- International markets and networks
- Chambers of Commerce internationalization services
- Property Valuation
- The Board of Business Practice (LTL)
- The Council of Ethics in Advertising
- Export processes
- The Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI)
An examination assignment can consist of determining the moisture damage of a detached house, estimating the worth of a forest machine, the installment of window panes in a housing company, or the suitability of a tissue batch to manufacturing. Customers may be consumers, municipalities, businesses, insurance companies, banks, or authorities. Examination reports are often used in trials in which inspectors speak as witnesses.
Searching for a goods inspector? Contact:
Raisa Harju ( or
Mari Virta (
What a goods inspector does?
A goods inspector is an expert authorized by Finland Chamber of Commerce. Goods inspectors issue, upon written request, impartial statements on a defect in an object or service, or on the condition of specified goods. Statements given by a goods inspector prevent disputes from arising, and they can help when negotiations have reached a deadlock. For instance, a goods inspector can help determine whether a car is painted appropriately, if the waterproofing of the bathroom has been done according to standards, or if a production line is functioning as agreed.
There are approximately 170 very experienced goods inspectors across Finland. All have taken the HTT examination to become authorized goods inspectors. They are committed to respecting the rules of goods inspection.
There are about 700 goods inspections made each year. The Goods Inspection Board of Finland Chamber of Commerce supervises these actions both on its own initiative and through the complaints procedure.
Why should one choose an authorised goods inspector and not some other expert?
In principle, anyone can operate as an expert regardless of one’s educational and professional background, but the authorized goods inspectors (HTT) are supervised professionals. In addition, impartiality is the very foundation of HTT authorized goods inspecting
How to Order a Goods Inspector
You will find the right goods inspector via this search engine (linkki hakuun). The inspection is ordered directly from the inspector either by phone or by e-mail.
The list of authorized goods inspectors (HTT) operating in Finland is organized according to area of expertise.
If needed, you can get assistance for your search from:
Lawyer Raisa Harju tel. +358 (0)9 4242 6214
Paralegal Mari Virta, tel. +358 (0)9 4242 6262
or by e-mail
Goods Inspection Fees
Goods inspectors work independently, and the inspection takes place between the client and the inspector. This is why Finland Chamber of Commerce is not involved in determining fees. Listed below are some general principles that apply.
Goods inspectors have the right to charge a reasonable amount from the customer. For instance, the urgency, difficulty, and time-consumption of the task all influence the fee.
A goods inspector can charge for the following:
- the inspection in itself and travel time to the location
- before the inspection: definition of the content of the assignment together with the client, compiling and sending inspection invitations, getting acquainted with documents
- travel expenses (a reasonable kilometer allowance)
- storing and editing photographs
- compiling a description, its printing, posting, and copying
- other relevant expenses up until a reasonable amount
- VAT (in most cases)
- In addition to the fee, the inspector charges extra to cover the expenses of Finland Chamber of Commerce. This is 10 per cent of the total amount, but no more than 340 euros.
Fees are not influenced by:
- the economic value of the object of inspection
- any special significance which the object of inspection may have to the customer.
Duties of the goods inspector:
- to provide a cost estimate of the assignment before starting
- to specify in detail what is being charged for (upon request)
- to undertake only those measures in the inspection which are necessary for accomplishing the task.
The Goods Inspection Board of Finland Chamber of Commerce supervises and guides the inspectors and handles possible complaints.
All complaints that have been filed are investigated. In case of violations a reminder or a warning is issued. Severe violations can lead to the cancellation of the authorization.
The Goods Inspection Board can not annul, compare, or alter inspection reports and it does not hold the jurisdiction to order a new inspection.
How to make a complaint
• The complaint has to be submitted to the Goods Inspection Board within three months of signing the inspection report.
• The complaint has to be compiled in writing and, if possible, submitted in a digital form. It should include a description of the violation and an attachment of the inspection report in question.
• The fee for the complainant is 170 euros. Instructions for making the payment are given when the complaint is received by the Goods Inspection Board. If the Board determines that the inspection rules have been violated, the fee will be reimbursed in its entirety.
• After the complaint has been received the goods inspector is requested to submit a statement of defense. Decisions are given within three months of the arrival of the complaint.
For more information:
Lawyer Raisa Harju, tel. +358 (0)9 4242 6214
Paralegal Mari Virta, tel. +358 (0)9 4242 6262
For further information on the regulations and the inspection report please read the Summary of goods inspection regulations.