Doing Business in Zambia in 2020’s – New Opportunities for Finnish Companies
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Teams (online)
Time: Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 09:00 – 11:00 (Finnish time) Place: Online webinar (Teams) The webinar is free of charge. Teams link will be sent to those registered on 8th December 2020.
Zambia is a large, landlocked, resource-rich country located in Southern Africa. The capital city is Lusaka. The population of Zambia is 18.4 million. Potential business opportunities for Finnish companies exist especially in mining, agrotech, forestry, ICT, education, renewable energy, and waste management.
The event is co-organized by the Africa Business Network of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, the Finnish Embassy in Zambia and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry AHK in Zambia.
09.00 Opening remarks H.E. Pirjo Suomela-Chowdhury, Ambassador of Finland to Zambia
09.10 Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry ’s support services for Doing Business in Zambia Ms Lena Charlotte Mueller, Representative, Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Zambia Office
09.20 Promoting innovation and technology transfer as key drivers for local economic development in low income communities Mr Naku Chinuvo, Vice President, EU-Zambia Business Club
09.30 Zambia Chambers’ Role in Investment Promotion Mr Chabuka Kawesha, President,Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
09.40 AGS: A new gateway to Zambia for Finnish Businesses Mr Gareth Evans, Team Leader, Accelerated Growth for MSMEs in Zambia Programme (AGS)
09.50 Finnpartnership funding and other services for companies interested in the Zambian market Mr Nikke Karjalainen, Programme Officer, Finnish Business Partnership Programme
10:00 Company perspective Mr Jukka Lunden, CEO, BioSorbio Ltd
10:10 Company perspective Mr Mario Aguilera, CEO and Ms Caritta Seppä, COO, Tespack Ltd
10.20 Discussion
10.55 Closing remarks Mr Jan Koivu, Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Cooperation at Embassy of Finland in Zambia.
We kindly ask you to register by 7 December 2020.
We wish you most welcome to our webinar on market opportunities, and relevant support and match-making mechanisms for making business in Zambia.
Picture: The archive of the Embassy of Finland in Zambia