INVITATION: Succeeding in the Philippines - country outlook and opportunities - Keskuskauppakamari

INVITATION: Succeeding in the Philippines – country outlook and opportunities

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Microsoft Teams

Finland-South East Asia Business Association is organizing a virtual Business Seminar


Succeeding in the Philippines – country outlook and opportunities


Time: Tuesday, 26th October 2021 at 10.00 – 11.30 Helsinki time

Venue: Microsoft Teams webinar

A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered closer to the event.


In the event we shall hear a keynote speech from the Ambassador of the Philippines to Finland, Ms Maria Lumen Isleta, from her post in Stockholm, as well as concluding remarks from the Ambassador of Finland to the Philippines, Mr Juha Pyykkö

We will also be presented opportunities for Finnish and European companies in the Philippines by the Philippines Trade and Investment Center Adviser Ms Clariza Mae, as well as the President of the European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, Mr Lars Wittig

Team Finland coordinator, Ms Laura Hassinen, will present the most recent market opportunities in the country for Finnish companies. 

You are welcome to explore these business opportunities and to join the discussion. Equal opportunities are available for Large Enterprises, SME’s and Start-Up’s.




10.00 Welcome, Mr Jani Kaulo, Chair, Finland-South East Asia Business Association


10.05 Keynote address from Ambassador Maria Lumen Isleta, Embassy of the Philippines in Stockholm


10.30 Investment opportunities and incentives in the Philippines

Ms Clariza Mae, Philippines Trade and Investment Center, Stockholm


10.50 Economic and business landscape of the Philippines for European business; services the ECCP can offer for Finnish companies entering the market

Mr Lars Wittig, President of the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines



11.10 Team Finland opportunities

Ms Laura Hassinen, Team Finland Coordinator, Manila



11.15 Moderated Q&A


11.25 Concluding remarks

Ambassador Juha Pyykkö, Embassy of Finland in Manila


11.30 Event ends



Please register for the webinar by October 25th here.



Jani Kaulo


Finland-South East Asia Business Association

+358 50029037


More information about the event: Jenni Isola,

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